dance and music fanatic,
dance choreographer,
shopaholic and
student at Temasek Jc
Thursday, July 31, 2008
I'm down. Surrendered!
Hey, it's 10.17 am in the morning and I'm stuck at home cos' my body just broke down this morning. Actually yesterday night there were already signs of me becoming sick already. But well, I didn't care much. Now see what happens... I'm so tired from school everyday. JC life is no fun. It's like I come home from school at night around dinner time. Sometimes, even later. And the next morning I have to wake up at 5 am. Plus the amount of homework I have to do. And I even have to squeeze (trying now) some time out for extra revision cos' promos are so freaking near already. I don't wanna be retained. And I dont wanna drop a H2 core subject. Argh!!!
From here: I'm looking for maths tuition. Anyone that has teachers that are good and well nice, not like some teacher, can sms, tag or email me(:
Thanks peeps!
m e s m e r i s e d 7:16 PM
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I haven't been blogging.
Yes yes, i know i haven't been blogging cos' i have been kinda busy with alot of stuff. The thing about me and Matt has already cleared up and we celebrated our 5th month annviersary yesterday. (: Haha. And well, today was a bad day. Woke up so freaking late at 7.30am. Rushed to school and was nearly late, but in another way lucky cos' the moment i reach the bus stop, the bus came(: Hehe. Anyway, another bad thing was when i boarded the bus, only then did i realise i didn't bring my tie! SHIT! Today's tie day. And yes, was lucky again. Didn't get caught by any teacher or even Mr Tong. Another bad thing, i didn't receive any relay about bringing my PI, therefore, i didn't hand in my part for PW> arghh... ):
Matt didn't come to school today cos' he is sick. But he didn't tell me. So was kinda worried about him. And well, today i'm feeling so full went to have lunch with my classmates, skipped contact time cos' i went to see my doctor. We had lunch with almost the whole class (Lavina, Annette, Shing Juan, Van, Lihui, Joce, Shawn, Mrs Velma Ang and me!) Mr Goh wanted to tag along, but when he saw it was so far, he kinda backed out. Haha.
And to annette, i hope your leg's better(:
Anyway I think I gonna catch 30 winks now. I'm feeling so exhausted and well, a little stressed out. My friend Nixon knows why. Haha. (all thanks to him reminding about promos being so near and everything.) Stupid la you...
Haha. I skipped dinner, though i know it's not good, but i'm feeling bloated. Kinda well, glad. Maybe this way I can lose some weight, like a kg. So i will be a 47/48. Further away from that no. 50. Haha. (:
That's all!
m e s m e r i s e d 3:53 AM
Monday, July 28, 2008
This is an upset post.
Hey people, if you don't wanna listen to rants. Don't read this. i'm warning you already.
I'm so pissed off today, don't know whether is the lack of sleep or just well maybe pms-ing. I hated Mrs Chng, she told us off today about not doing her homework. I forgot well on my part. And only 5 people in the class did the work so well, yeah, she erupted like a volcano. I was pissed cos' she was so naggy and so irritating. And the econs lecturer also, plainly knowing not enough time to teach already, yet continued calling names. Or stopping to ask all the latecomers to account for themselves. Plus the piling homework, tomorrow's bio mock spa, next week got like 3 test plus my house function that i practically can't skip. I'm exhausted.
Plus, well, on the private side, someone is making my life difficult. I'm done and through with it already. I had enough of this nonsense. I won't believe in anything that anyone says already. Also the 29th doesn't mean anything to me anymore. It's all just game over. And to that person- You will regret it, for life. I've been so patient today, meeting you in the morning, telling you not to do whatsoever. Caring for even what you eat, telling you to go home early to rest if you can. Yet well, you decided that you had the right to say things like 'because I'm sick". Well, that's bloody well not a good excuse you shit. Not a good one at all. Maybe if you write on a piece of paer saying "I'm mute." Yeah well, maybe that will work. So get your sorry ass out of my life. Cos' my life is much more peaceful and serene without all the shit you always give. Rawr, you sucker. (:
Going on to better things, Vanvan, Joce, Shawn and me, went to Taipan condo to have Taipan. It was not bad. Well, it was comfy and nice. And the food was like every day dinner standard. Haha, maybe my mum just cooks well. (: Anyway thats all for now. I've gotta rush GP homework: 2 summary and 1 AQ. And yes, bio mock spa (must memorise, memorise, memorise!) Haha.
I'm fine my dear friends.
I will be.
(And Lihui if you see this, I'm joining you in the club. Don't be sad anymore. You have me now)
Love, bel(:
m e s m e r i s e d 4:36 AM
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I've decided to add photos to make my blog more lively! (: haha. so here goes, enjoy! :D
These photos are of the class with our biology teachers, Mrs Lena Lim and Mrs Velma Ang.
Mrs Lim is leaving like you probably already know, and the class id definitely gonna miss her(:
The famous F4 and our creator Jermain. Haha.
Family portrait! (: during GP lesson. With permission of course(:
m e s m e r i s e d 10:21 PM
Hey im kinda feeling down
Hey, I'm kinda emo now, actually not because of things happening around me, rather because of a blog I just visited. Remember the case where a soldier died while overseas? Out of unknown reasons though, my heart ached when I read the blog of his gf. Her reminiscing the past and the everything he does. It kinda made me think to myself that I should cherish the wonderful times I have with Matthew. We might have our many problems, but I shouldn't take him for granted. Cos' one day, just one day, when it is the end of the world, or when we leave each other, i might not have told him my many thanks and my feelings. To my friends out there too that stood by my side, I guess I have to thank you people for accompanying me through the good times and the bad times. For teaching me life's lessons, for loving me and being patient with me. To my most adorable bf, Matt, I wish we can spend the rest of our life with each other, as happily as yesterdays and even today. I wish that all the people around us can be showered by that same love. To those who have lost your love ones, don't be sad(: Tomorrow is always a better day. Live life for those who have passed on. Living your life to the fullest is one way to continue the life journey of those who couldn't. And always remember, your loved ones might be gone. But they will forever live in that heart of yours. (:
the inspirational blog that I visited:
signing off...
m e s m e r i s e d 9:02 PM
I've got the photos(:
Hey people from 22/08 or Beta HC, if you would like to have the photos you people camwhored in, just talk to me on msn, and i'll send it over(:
love bel(:
m e s m e r i s e d 3:40 AM
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
It's already 3.14 am in the morning, and I'm finally going to sleep! (: I haven't finish maths, just left one more part. Gonna do it tomorrow(: Hopefully. Ciao
m e s m e r i s e d 12:12 PM
It's already 2.33 am in the morning and I'm still awake. I'm not having fun, but instead I'm doing Mathematics. Can you believe it? Cos' I wanna finish the stupid elearning for maths by today. So i can do the rest tomorrow slowly. Argh! The woman's / teacher's voice is so horrid. Mr wong's voice is so much more melodious man. Haha. Jermain went to sleep already. He finished the whole maths thing. He was nice enough to give me the answers. But I doubt I will fill them in without trying(: I promise I wont, I hope. There's not many people online now. Normal la, people have to go to school what, what was I thinking?
Today's HC meeting at Bird's house was quite productive seh. Haha. Like we managed to talk about the whole year's upcoming events. And yes, with that comes more stuff to do cos' of the timeline we have to pass up plus the proposal. I'm incharge of cheerleading competition. It's so exciting and I'm really looking forward to it. Beta got 2nd this year, 1st the year before. I had better make sure we will get 1st again next year and get back the title man. Hmmm, anyway Matthew came back from Msia already. I was so happy to see him as he was to see me of course. And he bought me loads of presents which cannot be told here. Haha, ain't I secretive. Wanna know, maybe I'll tell you if you ask. Anyway, will upload the photos only if i find that darned cable. Ok, gotta go do more maths already. EWW>>>>
love, clarebear(:
m e s m e r i s e d 11:32 AM
Sunday, July 20, 2008
E-learning is GAY! (:
Today is the start of the e-learning week, and believe me it's so freaking gay. The econs lecturer is like speaking while the slides are running. Kinda cool actually but so freaky. Haha. Can't imagine her trying to sit down and actually record her voice. Cute(: Anyway, I have came up with a checklist for all the subjects, and mind you, the work pile is piling damn high! That means no time for me to slack or to just stone.
My place is kinda gloomy now, looks like it's gonna rain soon. A heavy downpour i think. But thing is, I have to go back to school for PW meeting. Like WTH la. But well, I'm in a fairly good mood cos I'm talking to Matthew online while he is back in Msia. Anyway gotta go now. Update more later(:
m e s m e r i s e d 9:43 PM
Heyhey, continued version of everything. Mrs Lena Lim, my biology teacher is leaving us for California soon. It's so saddening, and seriously speaking I was tearing when she came into the class. We kinda tricked her and Mrs Velma Ang actually help(: Haha so cool. But shawn has something against V ang, i wonder why. ):
Anyway, Matthew and I are so separated. He is in Msia now, and wont be back till Wed i think. And worse still, I will be busy with my HC meeting on Wed at Bird's house, then will rush down to school for PW meeting. Yes, I'm gonna curse at PW somemore. Idiots in the MOE system. Creating such a darn useless subject that racks all of the students' brains somemore. Isn't a 4H2 plus GP combination suffocating already? Plus my group is like so weird. Everyone's at a different frequency, we can't communicate even. Argh!!
Enough about school, I wanted to go Sentosa to tan, Titan asked me to go, but well, kinda backed out last minute and decided to stay infront of the computer and just well, stone. And yeah! I can't wait for the Nike Human Race, decided to join that competition or whatever you call that. Cos' well, the goodie bags quite cool(:
And yes! I;m having food poisoning, staying at home now. Sigh. Don't know, it could be the Fish and chips from Fish and Co. or the brownies from breeks. Talking about food, i think i'm getting kinda fat. I wanna tone up. Maybe i should go planet fitness next week since school's out for me(: haha. just maybe...
loads of love,
m e s m e r i s e d 12:22 AM
Friday, July 18, 2008
Yeah, finally a new and pretty blog(:
Hey, this is like my new pretty blog that Desmond just arranged for me(:
I'm so freaking happy and glad that I have such a smart friend! Haha. Anyways, I'm kinda very stressed up and overwhelmed by the current school workload. Like the amount of assignments I have to do. Next week is e-learning week. Suppose to be making things better, but it's not. We have to report at the same time, just that t'll be at home infront of the computer. Instead of grumpy teachers. Haha. But well, TJC have really made me feel at home and I admit, I love my school now. To bits and pieces, haha.
Tomorrow I have an appointment at CGH as usual. Kinda getting the hang of the idea of having therapy twice every two weeks. Yes, you might think what am I suffering from. For those who know, good for you(: For the rest, well... Find it out yourself. Haha. I saw Mr. Ho today in school, no actually it was during lunch. He just popped down at our table. I screamed and nearly choke on the famous Hill Street Char Kway Teow. Jocelyn was so slow, didn't even know he is there until like a minute later. Haha, blur sotong. Lihui thought I saw some rodent or even a ghost. Haha. But we saw that she was happy Mr. Ho was there. Actually the person closest to Mr Ho would probably be Lihui. And well, being envious of that, I can't do anything. Haha. And yes, my project work is SCREWED! (look at those capital letters!) Argh! Why does MOE need to put PW in the syllabus? isn't tormenting us with stupid biology un-understandable facts already enough?! Plus which idiot with that fantastic brain came up with the "Teach less learn more"? Might as well, "Don't teach, and be a genius". Haha. Well, that won't work, and neither the TLLM man! I haven't been dancing in a thousand million years, and I can say I miss dancing so much. I'm gonna put on weight and turn rusty if by the end of this year I don't do something about it.
Today was actually a very eventful day. We had PE but as usual I'm excused from PE. No, I'm not some alien that can't go under the sun. I guess I just chose to get that long-term MC from my doctor. But anyway, many classes didn't go for PE in the first place, cos' it was PFT for most of the classes, but not my class. Saw very impressing stunts like a guy running like as though he was a plane taking off. It was not bad an attempt, cos' he did speed up cos' of that. An yes, the top girl was a pro, coming in at 9minutes. It's practically equivalent to guys' standard. Debbie was like hell nuts(: but of course, impressive. She ran the 2.4 twice! First, with the guys group coming in top few, and second with the girls. She can really run! Thank God she's in BETA, cos' she will definitely do us proud. (: Ok, nothing much to say except for the fact I'm damn screwed cos' promos are in 9 weeks time and there's so much to do, including that stupid PW shit! I really need to pull up my socks, and make them into stocking somehow. Haha. Thats all for now, more of everything tomorrow(:
m e s m e r i s e d 8:12 AM